With the re-election of this 'person' comes a slew of issues that, it seems, no one wants to think about or address.
Here we have a so called president who, like a tyrant, if he doesn't get what he wants, he blames someone else for it and then goes and signs an executive order for it.
What everyone fails to realize; is that every time we allow this 'person' to get away with bypassing the rules of Government, we weaken our very existence. Our government is a democratic one, not dictatorial.
This 'person' has zero knowledge of economics, zero knowledge of bipartisanship, has zero knowledge of anything other than buying off the people who can't or won't work for what they want and need.
He is effectively creating a society of purely takers. Why would anyone want to work if they can have it handed to them free and clear?
Only those with self respect and a strong work ethic will.
This 'person' has already poisoned the young and the media. What these groups do not realize, is that the government can not sustain this type of society, period. Sooner or later, the funds will not be there to support the whims of a moron.
How long does anyone think the wealthy will be able to pay for these expenses before running out of funds themselves?
When will they get fed up, and only make enough to support themselves?
4 years were bad enough. 8 years are going to be very hard to undo what this moron has destroyed.
Where are our elected officials during all this?
Isn't there ANY Politician out there that see's this? Why aren't they doing anything about it? Why did we elect them?
Why aren't they cutting off the funds to this morons programs? He can't get anything accomplished if there aren't any funds to do it with.
We can see he's vindictive. But they were elected to serve the PEOPLE, not the Moron in charge.
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