I don't know about you, but I've seen my retirement funds dwindle, its harder to make ends meet and the overall economy is in the proverbial toilet; not to mention the dismal jobs front.Obama has laid blame for his failures to everyone within throwing distance: Congress, Tea party; Republicans; Wealthy people; Wall streeters; hell, if he could I think he'd blame the American people for this mess.
This country stands for Greatness, Wealth; Prosperity; Strength a WORLD LEADER and the list goes on.
Why are we allowing this President to destroy what our fore fathers have created?
This President is so hell bent on turning our society into a socialist one that we need to wake up as a nation and VOTE HIM OUT! If he wants socialism, he should go live in RUSSIA (or what's left of it) He's attempting to make our country like Europe.
I've got news for you, "It doesn't work there, what makes you think it's going to work here?"
For an intelligent person, YOU DO NOT THINK TOO WELL FOR THE LONG TERM
No one looked at the sermons from the Rev Wright; that anti Semite who had nothing but terrible things to say about the Jewish people.
Even the Jews appeared to be horrified, but they wanted so much for this person (Obama) to be the hope and change of a nation that they must have told themselves that he couldn't subscribe to this garbage.
It got so bad that the Obama backers offered Wright money to stop preaching and keep his big mouth shut.
I guess from the treatment Israel has received from this President; they must be wondering if the kool aid was worth the price they are paying now.
I guess because Obama knows that Jews are Liberal at heart, he can run right over them any time he wants. (Except when he needs their money for his campaign.)
Do this unto me once; and I am mistaken; Do this unto me again; and I am a fool who gets what I deserve!
Are you really going to allow him to do this again?
Wasn't it Wright that preached about monetary equality? Didn't Obama say that he wanted to take money from the rich and support everyone else with it???
I've got news for all you kool aid drinkers:
Everyone pays taxes. Even the rich. Just because they have the money to pay someone else to find the tax loop holes, does NOT mean they don't pay taxes. When you get down to it; if you pay 10% on a million dollar income, or 10% on 100k, they are still paying MORE THAN YOU.
The real issue is to have the tax laws changed to close the loop holes. Not begrudge the people who made the money. They worked hard for their money too. I'm not rich, not by any means, but I don't hold it against the people who are.
Another tidbit of information:
Obama is rich too! His net worth is in the millions also.
The worst thing about this president is that when he can't get Congress to back his proposals, he creates a Presidential mandate.
He goes behind and around the Constitution and, in my opinion, illegally makes policy without the consent of anyone. He thinks he knows better than everyone.
It's bad enough that the Obamacare he pushed through was proven to be a sham by the new Republican Party's Vice Presidential nominee: Mr. Paul Ryan. He's shown us that not only is Obamacare losing money hand over fist; Obama has been STEALING MONEY FROM MEDICARE TO PAY FOR IT! (HINT: SENIORS UNITE!)
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