Monday, March 12, 2012

DC Ignorance or Compliance??

Beijing and Washington DC

Everybody knows that China is on the move. Even despite the recent global slowdown — and despite what the naysayers may try to tell you — China’s economy is still growing more than seven times faster than America’s is.

But what most Americans do NOT know — what our media steadfastly refuses to admit — is that China is already so rich, it can now DICTATE economic policy to the world; even to the United States of America.

But consider the shocking report that Yahoo Finance recently posted. I quote:

“The International Monetary Fund has just dropped a bombshell, and nobody noticed.

“For the first time, the international organization has set a date for the moment when the ‘Age of America’ will end and the U.S. economy will be overtaken by that of China.”

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), by 2016, the United States will no longer be the world’s number one economic power.

According to the IMF, China will be richer than America in less than five years.

But according to the prestigious Peterson Institute — and based on data just published by the University of Pennsylvania — the IMF is wrong: The Chinese economy will NOT surpass America’s by 2016.

Nor will it happen in 2017 or even in 2020, for that matter.

Peterson and the University of Pennsylvania say China is ALREADY the world’s #1 economic power.

And the thing is, they proved it.

These two highly respected institutions just presented irrefutable proof that in real terms — when you adjust for the domestic purchasing power of respective currencies ...

The U.S. economy produced goods and services valued at $14.6 trillion in 2010 ...

But China’s Gross Domestic Product soared to $14.8 trillion.

China’s economy is already larger than America’s.

And what’s worse, the United States is falling farther behind every day:

According to the official figures from both Washington and Beijing, the U.S. economy grew about 1.7% in 2011.

China’s economy grew 9.2%.

That’s more than SEVEN AND ONE-HALF TIMES FASTER; fast enough to nearly DOUBLE the size of China’s already-massive economy once each decade.

And if you get to know a little more about both nations, China’s burgeoning economic power becomes even more unsettling. Because the fact is, Beijing has become so powerful, it can now dictate economic policy to the U.S.

>> The Beijing government has almost no debt ...

>> But Washington has nearly $145 trillion in debt and obligations.

** China has $3.2 trillion in cash — and its cash reserves are growing ever larger, month after month ...

** But Washington has almost no cash on hand and has to borrow nearly half of every dollar it spends — much of it is borrowed from China.

> China’s total tax revenues are up nearly 30% from a year ago ...

>> But Washington’s tax revenues are dramatically down due to the sluggish U.S. economy.

** The U.S. has about 160 million workers ...

** China has 810 million workers — more than 5 times more than the United States.

>> 97% of all Chinese workers are employed ...

>> But 14 million U.S. workers are either unemployed or underemployed.

** In China’s urban areas, wages ROSE 7.6% in 2011 — and the increase was about double that in rural areas.

** Meanwhile, inflation-adjusted wages for U.S. workers dropped 1.7%.

The investment facts are even more startling:

Securities valued at more than $6 trillion trade on Chinese exchanges every day and that number is growing by leaps and bounds.

China enjoys the largest foreign capital inflows of any nation on Earth, surpassing the United States as the world's favorite place to invest.

*     China is now the world’s #1 mine operator ... its #1 car maker ... its #1 manufacturer ... its #1 exporter.

Any way you look at it, China is already the nation on the way UP. While sadly, the U.S. is the nation on the way OUT.

A study by The Program for International Student Assessment has ranked Chinese students #1 in the world. American students were ranked fourteenth.

China’s Tianhe-1A super computer is the fastest in the world, capable of processing more than 2.5 thousand trillion calculations per second.

American technicians don’t even know how that kind of speed could be possible.

And while the U.S. is winding down its space program, China is preparing to put a man on the moon!

And when you look at China’s military, the contrast between the two nations gets downright scary:

China has THE LARGEST ARMY IN THE WORLD — 2.2 million active-duty military personnel — 600,000 more than America has.

And while the U.S. is cutting its military expenditures, China has increased military spending every year for more than 20 years ... and is still boosting it by an average of 11.8% per year.

China’s military is state-of-the-art: It just unveiled the J-20 — its first stealth fighter.

It also has spy satellites, modern battle tanks, aircraft carriers, nuclear attack submarines, cruise missiles, and more.

China’s nuclear arsenal is especially worrying: While the U.S. has been steadily reducing its stockpiles for nearly 30 years, China continues to build up its forces and is refusing to even begin talks on nuclear arms reduction.

In the size of its economy and economic growth ... in science ... in technology ... in the scholarship of its students ... in the growth of its military ... in every conceivable area, China is ALREADY the world’s most dominant nation.

More importantly: Because of China’s newfound status as the world’s #1 super power, it is now ready, willing and able to DICTATE economic policy to the rest of the world ... and that includes America.

And of course, there’s another reason why China is now in a position to dictate economic policy to the United States of America:

Nearly 50% of every dollar Washington spends today is borrowed money — much of it borrowed from China.

      Without the billions Beijing loans Washington, the entire U.S. government would go bust. Washington would become a virtual ghost town. Millions of Americans who count on government checks would be financially destroyed.

So you see, the entire world — including the United States — must bow to China’s superior economic power — the greatest the world has ever seen.

And at a recent economic conference, we were treated to images of our own president doing just that.

Nobody who watched that humiliating display on television had any doubt which man has the greater power; which man is in control.

And make no mistake: the Chinese know they’re in the driver’s seat. People’s Liberation Army Senior Colonel Liu Mingfu recently said, “To save itself, to save the world, China must prepare to become the world’s helmsman.

China is not satisfied to merely surpass the U.S. economy; it has already begun a campaign to DOMINATE the U.S. economy.

The shocking part is that our own leaders in Washington, D.C. have become Beijing’s willing accomplices.

Because China has already begun to wage war against the dominance and value of the U.S. dollar

With the help of our leaders in Washington, D.C.!

For decades now, the U.S. dollar has been the world’s currency of choice. Most of the world’s central banks hold their reserves in U.S. dollars. Most international transactions have been settled in U.S. dollars.

That means there is always a high demand for dollars around the world — and as a result of that demand, the greenback has held its value more effectively than many other currencies have.

But since 2009, President Obama has spent more than $10.6 trillion, and run up trillion-dollar deficits year after year.

To fund Washington’s spending addiction, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has borrowed an estimated $4 trillion since 2009. And, Ben Bernanke — the Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve — has created nearly $8 trillion out of thin air since 2009.

As a result, the value and the buying power of the dollar have already begun to plunge:

*Gasoline prices have shot the moon — you’re paying over 25% more than you paid just 24 months ago!

*The price for heating oil rocketed 29% in a recent 12-month period, sending home heating bills up more than 50% per month!

*Milk and cheese prices are up 18% and 15% respectively ... the price of beef and veal used in restaurants is up 17% ... coffee prices are up more than 20% ... and egg prices have soared nearly 30%!

* And everywhere you look, you see “sticker shock” on health insurance ... medicine and medical care ... college tuition ... airline tickets ... and more.

As a result of this precipitous decline in the dollar’s buying power ...

France, India and many other countries ...

The U.N., the IMF and other international organizations ...

Are ALL calling for the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency

And even the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party says :

“The world urgently needs to create a diversified currency and financial system and fair and just financial order that is not dependent on the United States.”

In fact, the U.S. dollar is already being abandoned by many countries and companies in favor of the Chinese currency — the yuan:

> Investors can now buy yuan-denominated bonds in Hong Kong.

> Caterpillar and McDonald’s recently financed their mainland China projects directly via yuan bond offerings instead of U.S. dollars.

> And China’s trade with Russia, Vietnam and Thailand is now being settled in yuan instead of U.S. dollars.

> Apple Computer is even accepting iTunes payments in yuan!

Now, China believes it’s time to make the supremacy of its currency — the yuan — OFFICIAL — by gutting the U.S. dollar. And our own leaders — President Obama, Treasury Secretary Geithner and Fed chief Bernanke — are obediently helping Beijing do just that!

Hard to believe? Especially in an election year? I agree! But remember: President Obama saw what a weaker dollar did for U.S. stocks in 2009: It gave birth to huge rallies! Having the stock market explode higher just before the elections would be a godsend for any incumbent president!

Look: You’ve seen the news reports of Obama, Geithner and Bernanke complaining about China’s currency. Those complaints are only growing louder now — even in this election year!

The administration claims the “weak yuan” gives China an unfair trading advantage. It makes China’s products cheaper than ours on world markets.

So they’re demanding that China increase the yuan’s value in order to level the playing field for American exporters.

But anybody with even shred of common sense can instantly see the Obama administration’s claims are pure baloney.

Look: The average U.S. worker earns nearly 6.5 TIMES MORE than his or her Chinese counterpart.

Those sky-high labor costs are cooked into every product produced in America — and that’s what makes American products far more expensive than similar Chinese-made products.

So even if Beijing DOUBLED or TRIPLED the value of the yuan, Chinese products would still sell for far less than U.S.-made products do: Boosting the yuan’s value would do little if anything to help U.S. exporters!

So why does Washington really want to jack up the value of the Chinese yuan? What’s the truth that Washington won’t tell you?

By RAISING the value of the Chinese yuan, Washington and China will automatically CRUSH the value of the U.S. dollar ..

So Washington can repay its otherwise unpayable debts with cheaper dollars!

Look: The “official” U.S. national debt is now over $15 trillion — nearly three times more than the most indebted nations in Europe ... COMBINED!

But when you add in the debts Washington owes to veterans, seniors and government pensioners, the total amount is nearly ten times more: A staggering $145 trillion.

That’s nearly TEN TIMES the total value of the goods and services the U.S. economy produces ...

That’s far more debt than Washington can ever hope to pay.

In fact, Washington’s only hope of avoiding default is to destroy the value of its own currency, then pay its debts back with dollars that are only a shadow of their former selves.

Plus, with a weak dollar and strong Chinese yuan, China can buy up even more of our debt and protect the massive investment it has already made in America by helping Washington avoid default.

That’s a massive “win-win” for both Washington and Beijing:

Plus, a rising yuan will once and for all solve Beijing’s #1 economic problem: Rising domestic inflation. As the yuan’s buying power rises, price inflation in China will decline dramatically.

More importantly, as the yuan’s purchasing power explodes, China will also be able to lock up even more of the world’s supply of oil, coal, steel, copper, lumber and other natural resources ... to take control of thousands more companies ... and to extend its economic control throughout the world.

But why lie about their intentions?

Because if they told the truth, there would be hell to pay.

Just imagine how voters would react if the president stepped before the microphones and said ...

“My fellow Americans, we politicians have spent too much money and now, we can’t pay our debts.

“The only way to avoid default is to destroy the value of your money and then repay our debt with cheaper dollars.

“Of course, that means your cost of living will double and double again and most of you will be reduced to poverty ...”

See what I mean? Telling the truth would be tantamount to political suicide.

Any way you look at it, this is treachery of the highest order: The U.S. dollar — and YOUR income, savings, investments and retirement — is being sacrificed on the altar of political expediency.

And while the insult to our national pride and patriotism will be painful, the personal toll will be excruciating.

The dollar’s demise will be catastrophic for everyone who earns, saves or invests dollars. The price you pay for food, electricity, gasoline and just about everything else will skyrocket.

Many Americans — particularly those on fixed incomes — will have to choose between buying medicine, paying the rent, or buying food.

Homelessness, hunger and hopelessness will be the everyday reality for millions of Americans.

Some will rightfully blame Washington for their misery. Others will blame Wall Street. Mass demonstrations and hunger marches will dominate the headlines.

When the dust settles, the United States will be little more than just another name on the long list of once-proud countries that squandered their wealth ... that were ultimately driven to their knees and forced to submit to the nations that took their places.

They simply change channels when CNN features former British Prime Minister Brown touting “a new global financial order,” describing this as a “decisive moment” for the world.

And they choose not to even listen to Henry Kissinger — the man whose historic visits opened U.S. relations with China 41 years ago in 1971 — when he says we must accept a new global hierarchy with China in a dominant role.

O’BAMA is the WORST President this country has seen in a very long time, IF EVER….O’Bama isn’t anything other than the person who is destroying this country and this country’s future.

Those that say they will not vote this election need to get their heads out of the sand. Anyone is better than this!!


  1. So lets put another rich bully puppet in charge that thinks its funny to fire people and change his view from hour to hour depending on who he is talking to and then when confronted thinks we are so stupid that we cant see right through him. Elect that guy and drive the middle class back to middle earth. I havent heard one good idea from him and his fake do nothing republican cronies. All he can do is cater to the religious extreme who believe that if we pray it will all get better and cut govt workers in an already delicate crisis. Get religion out our govt! Lets give the rich all of our money and lets see if they give it back. That hasnt worked in 30 yrs. Let the rich pay thier fare share in taxes and cut all the breaks to the oil companies that have raped us and our land for decades. Our President. Is the best thing that has happened to this country. If it werent for the blatent racist gop in congress protecting their rich friends at every turn, we would be out of this mess. They are a joke and a disgrace. As people are losing thier homes, they are debating levitcus from the old testiment on our dime. Yeah look it up. Im sure fox news left that out the other day. Get real and wake up. Stop standing up for the billionaires that would like nothing more than to drive you further into slavery in order to line their pockets. Dont get me wrong. Making money, being rich, etc is not bad. Just just dont get there by stepping all over working familiies and pay your fair share!

  2. Unfortunately OBama has alienated himself to the point where he will not be able to accomplish anything. He is being undermined at every turn. The damage is done, and he created it. He can not blame Bush for this one.He should've worked more towards his campaign promises instead of attacking everyone like a spoiled child who didn't get what they wanted. Are the GOPers any better? Maybe, Mabe not, but at this time, they have the opportunity to do something about the situation, OBama doesn't. If elected, it will be 4 more years of bringing this country further down into despair. The middle class Americans will be the ONLY one's suffering.
    I agree with the previous posters comment, where everyone SHOULD pay their fair share. Middle class Americans can't afford the lawyers and CPA's to find the loop holes.
