Friday, November 27, 2020

The new Democrat Party?

 Years ago the Democrat party was the party of the working class. The party that actually cared about the American people. 

Today, unfortunately they are the party of ignorance. The party of control. These are two distinct contrasts, yet they both apply. If you are an ordinary Democrat party member, you believe the nonsense the party elite feed you. You honestly believe that they will not raise taxes, will help the economy grow and will eliminate the divide in this country.

 Let's examine that for a second... The alleged President elect stated during his run for the presidency that he would not eliminate fracking. Then goes on to say that he will "transition" into  a more environmentally friendly source. In plain English, this means that it will not happen over night, but it will. Think about it. How many jobs will this cost? How will this effect the economy?

He goes on to state that the corporate tax will increase to 28% up from 21%. We are a capitalist society, always have been. How do you think this will play with the economy? Do you think they are not going to look at the bottom line and employ less people? or raise prices on their goods and services? Common sense says that they would. How does this effect, not only the economy, but the unemployment numbers?

What about taxing more from those that make $400k a year? Who do you think this is? The small business owners and the "mom and pop" stores. What do you think will happen to them? some will barely survive, but others will not. Again, think about the effects on the economy and the unemployment numbers. Then welfare recipients will rise too. 

This is economics 101. Everything has a trickle down effect. Just these few things the potential incoming president wants to accomplish will have devastating effects to our way of life. The "elite" have plenty of money, so it would be no big deal. Plus, I'm sure there will be loopholes for them to keep most of what they have. You and I would not be part of this. We will bear the brunt of the burden. 

 A lot of what has transpired began with Obama. He began by going on an apology tour. He blamed our country to all that would listen. A man who took all he could get, never worked a day in his life and fueled the consciousness of the division. I say consciousness because unfortunately, this country always had a division. Sad but true. I would hope and pray that in my lifetime, I could see this eradicated, but I wouldn't hold my breath. There are too many ignorant people out there. 

Antifa and BLM then went on a rampage. Riots and looting in masse. Their cause could have been something to be proud of, may have actually produced a positive outcome. All they did though, was cause chaos and had the nerve to blame the current president. Like he had anything to do with it. 

Getting back to the ignorance of the democrats: Who do you think started and upheld the Jim Crow laws? Democrats. Who do you think started and belonged to the KKK? Democrats. Who was the president to free the slaves? Lincoln; a republican.

Learn your history. 

The current president did more for the Black community that any democrat president ever did. What with prison reform and lowest unemployment rate for this demographic in over 50 years. He even pledged to put over $500 million dollars into these communities. The democrat party will not do this. They want you reliant upon them. They are all about control and power.

  The democrat party elites sold you a bill of goods and you just ate it up. They professed to give free college. Forgive college loan debt. This was all while campaigning for your vote. He's already changed his promises, and he didn't even take office yet. 

They only come to you during election time and then fade away, knowing they duped you into believing their nonsense. Besides, did any of you begin to think where the money would come from? Does anyone think that we can continue to increase the national debt without having any ill effects on the economy, or your taxes?

I could go on about every demographic, but there's little point. Like I said in the beginning, you belong to a party of ignorance. You do not take the time or make the effort to find out the facts. For this, I blame the media. Truth in reporting has died. They had a problem with the current president and disrespected him at every turn. They exacerbated every misstep and hid every accomplishment. And you wonder why this president took to twitter? So what, he was brash. At least this president made promises and actually kept them. He made us safer. He actually brought jobs BACK to this country after the previous democrat regimes gave away our jobs to the Chinese and other foreign countries. 

Think about it.